
62% believe the UK Government prioritises the interests of social media companies over their users

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By: Hannah McCreesh


Social media can feel like the Wild West at times 🤠 From extremist views to entertaining gifs and quite literally everything in between, we polled Brits to discover their feelings on social media and social media reform. Let’s go!

As you can see, the mandate from the British public is clear when it comes to Brits supporting or opposing a UK-wide ban of X 😉

He might not be everyone’s cup of tea 🍵 But how do Brits feel about Elon Musk? Though he’s sometimes a controversial figure, the majority don’t have particularly strong feelings about him.
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It may be X to some, it’ll always be Twitter to us 🐦 We asked, has the acquisition of Twitter / X made you more or less likely to use the platform? Whilst the majority reported no change, 34% said they’re less likely to use the platform.

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Now, onto the hot topic of social media regulation 🔥 Platforms have come under fire recently amid the spreading of misinformation during the recent riots. Almost half of respondents agree that there should be more regulation on X/Twitter, TikTok, Facebook and Instagram. 
I6iU5-how-do-you-feel-about-current-regulation-of-social-media-companies-in-the-uk-.pngNext up we asked, in your opinion, does it matter if the head of a social media company is politically active?


Almost two-thirds of Brits believe that the Government favours social media platforms over its users.


And finally… the age-old question (if you’ll pardon the pun). We asked, how old do you think a person should be before having access to social media? The highest score (36%) was for the 16-17 year old age bracket.


That’s all for now, folks. This week’s poll was conducted on 22-23rd August '24, to 1,359 people & weighted to a nat rep population. Search “WeThink polling” on all your social media channels & you’ll find us. Tabs to follow.


By: Hannah McCreesh

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